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  • IBM LinuxONE: Where hybrid cloud meets mission-critical

    The right platform can deliver exceptional digital experiences through premium cloud services that are security-rich, fastand ready for growth. IBM® LinuxONE systems are engineered for the industry’s most secure data serving with faster throughput, even for massive and unpredictable transaction volumes and large database sizes.

    LinuxONE III operates at lightning-fast speed,extreme scale and with end-to-end security and data privacy across your hybrid cloud. With LinuxONE, you get the best of both worlds: the cloud you want with the privacy and security you need to deliver exceptional, potentially world-changing digital experiences. Benefits include the ability to:

    • Extend data privacy across the hybrid cloud with new Data Privacy Passports.
    • Build, deploy and manage new cloud-native applications faster with cloud native development
    • Confidently run your business with ultimate uptime
    • Consolidate multiple database applications on a single system
    • Build with flexibility across your hybrid cloud
    • Run multiple Linux workloads serving thousands of users simultaneously
    • Run production, dev and test in parallel
  • IBM LinuxONE III Express

    The LinuxONE Express is a high velocity powerhouse. It’s available in three off-the shelf sizes, designed for speedy deployment and a better TCO to get customers up and running quickly.If you wantmore from your IT for database consolidation, cloud data serving or if you need a highly secure infrastructure for Digital Asset Custody Services,explore LinuxONE Express.

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  • Plastic Bank uses LinuxONE to change the world

    Plastic Bank uses LinuxONE as the backbone of its social plastic solution to stimulate local economies and drive recycling actions to transform plastic waste into something valuable.

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